Well Happy Monday everyone! It’s mid-July and we at the Elexia Team realised that we’ve been doing less writing in 2018 because we’ve been so busy doing! It’s gone past half the year mark and we haven’t been able to pen down the excitement we’ve had in this time and thought we should give a quick recap for now before …
Natural Hype
What’s going on in skincare and wellness these days? Off late we came to realize that it was impossible to ignore the online and offline mania for natural skincare. Key words such as parabens free, 100% natural, free from harmful chemicals and a bucketful of acronyms is the cosmetic lexicon of the day. Whether its your relatives at a Raya …
Muka Berminyak dan Berjerawat………..
Muka saya berminyak, tak boleh pakai produk berminyak….. Ini antara persepsi umum yang sering didengar….. Muka berminyak? Oh, tidaaak. Maka bermulalah proses pencarian produk produk untuk menyental, merawat dan membasmikan segala macam bakteria di permukaan kulit. Semua wanita, inginkan kulit yang mulus, bercahaya, dewy, bebas daripada bintik hitam, jerawat, jeragat, dan ketidaksempurnaan lain. Malangnya, industri kosmetik dan penjagaan kulit , …
Kelebihan Argan Oil
Apa ada pada Argan Oil, salah satu Super oils yang terkandung di dalam Elexia Wonder Balm dan Elexia Face Balms